Communication Management in Diversity Tolerance to Maintain The Unity of The People


  • Sutisna Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung, Indonesia
  • Ahmad Khori Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung, Indonesia



Management, Communication, Tolerance, Diversity of the People


Management is the cornerstone of running and overseeing an organization in everyday life. Communication management is one of the pivotal factors for achieving organizational goals. From a communication perspective, such activities are evident in every aspect of daily life. Celebrating the ideals of organizational communication management is crucial amid the proliferation of technology. If left unchecked, this could lead to a breakdown of harmony. Therefore, the concept of religious tolerance should permeate social media to guide effective communication in the social sphere. A communication strategy that embraces diversity is essential for maintaining and strengthening community unity. Through this process, individuals engage in transmitting and receiving messages, thereby adapting to one another. The role of communication in organizational management entails attention to both organizational culture (the values, beliefs, and assumptions characterizing the organization) and organizational climate (evidence of behaviors shaping perceptions of various policies and practices), particularly concerning security. Communication management emphasizes the professional roles and strategic contributions of individuals to the organization. While many patterns in communication management systems and structures remain unexplored, communication management, especially in educational and strategic communication, has largely been built on approaches wherein organizations communicate clearly and consistently. Communication management serves as the primary guiding principle for organizations in their interactions with the external public, affirming the unity of people. Meanwhile, employees' communicative roles are chiefly relevant within the internal context of the organization."


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How to Cite

Sutisna, & Khori, A. (2024). Communication Management in Diversity Tolerance to Maintain The Unity of The People. Kharisma: Jurnal Administrasi Dan Manajemen Pendidikan, 3(1), 54–67.