The Principal's Strategy in Improving the Quality of Teacher Performance in the Learning Process in Islamic Elementary Schools
Teacher Performance, Principal Strategy, Learning in Elementary SchoolsAbstract
The research objectives in this writing are (1) How is the teacher's performance in the learning process during a pandemic in shaping the noble character of students? (2) What is the principal's strategy in improving the quality of teacher performance in the learning process without leaving the educational institution's mission, namely to form the noble character of students? (3) What are the inhibiting and supporting factors experienced by school principals in improving the quality of teacher performance in the learning process by forming students' noble character? The research method used by researchers is a qualitative method using data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions to test the validity of the data using extended attendance, observation, triangulation of sources and methods, and discussions with colleagues. From the results of this study, the researchers concluded that: (1) the quality of the performance of local teachers has decreased due to the pandemic which limited the space for interaction to carry out teaching and learning activities. (2) The principal's strategy is very influential and needed in improving teacher performance in the learning process. (3) there are several inhibiting factors in implementing the principal's strategy.
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Suzan, R., Rahman, A. O., Humaryanto, H., Syauqy, A., Miftahurrahma, M., & Maria, I. (2021). Mengembangkan Pendidikan Berdayasaing Global Pada Jurusan Kedokteran Melalui Pengembangan Pangkalan Data Jurusan Guna Peningkatan Tatakelola Jurusan Mendukung Pemenuhan Sasaran Strategis Basis Data Alumni Dan Produk Karya Dosen. Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease, 2(2), 106–111.
Aisyah, S., Ilmi, M. U., Rosyid, M. A., Wulandari, E., & Akhmad, F. (2022). Kiai Leadership Concept in The Scope of Pesantren Organizational Culture. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 3(1), 40–59.
Amelia, C., Aprilianto, A., Supriatna, D., Rusydi, I., & Zahari, N. E. (2022). The Principal’s Role as Education Supervisor in Improving Teacher Professionalism. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(1), 144–155.
Andriana, E., & Evans, D. (2020). Listening to the voices of students on inclusive education: Responses from principals and teachers in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Research, 103, 101644.
Annisa, N., Akrim, A., & Manurung, A. A. (2020). Development Of Teacher’s Professional Competency In Realizing Quality Of Human Resources In The Basic School. Indonesian Journal of Education and Mathematical Science, 1(2), 156–160.
Aprilianto, A., Sirojuddin, A., & Afif, A. (2021). Strategi Manajemen Kepala Sekolah Dalam Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik. FATAWA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2(1), 107–130.
Arif, A., Mannan, M., & Darim, A. (2022). Manajemen Pembelajaran Nahwu Sharaf Menggunakan Metode Tamyiz Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19. Kharisma: Jurnal Administrasi Dan Manajemen Pendidikan, 1(1), 59–68.
Arif, M., Munfa’ati, K., & Kalimatusyaroh, M. (2021). Homeroom Teacher Strategy in Improving Learning Media Literacy during Covid-19 Pandemic. Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar, 13(2), 126–141.
Armstrong, M. (2022). Armstrong’s Handbook of Performance Management: An Evidence-Based Guide to Performance Leadership. Kogan Page Publishers.
Azis, A., Abou-Samra, R., & Aprilianto, A. (2022). Online Assessment of Islamic Religious Education Learning. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 3(1), 60–76.
Bakalim, O., Şanal-Karahan, F., & Şensoy, G. (2018). The Effect of Group Supervision on the Psychological Counseling Self-Efficacy Levels of Psychological Counseling Candidates. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 9(4), 412–428.
Barton, D. C. (2020). Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on field instruction and remote teaching alternatives: Results from a survey of instructors. Ecology and Evolution, 10(22), 12499–12507.
Brooks, M. C., & Ezzani, M. D. (2022). Islamic school leadership: Advancing a framework for critical spirituality. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 35(3), 319–336.
Budiya, B. (2021). Manajemen Pengelolaan Kelas Masa Pandemi di SD Ta’miriyah Surabaya. Attadrib: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 4(1), 50–54.
Danino, M., & Shechtman, Z. (2012). Superiority of group counseling to individual coaching for parents of children with learning disabilities. Psychotherapy Research, 22(5), 592–603.
Devi, A. D., & Subiyantoro, S. (2021). Implementation of Democratic Leadership Style and Transformational Head of Madrasah in Improving The Quality. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 6(1), 14–26.
Djamarah, S. B. (2004). Pola komunikasi orang tua dan anak dalam keluarga (sebuah perspektif pendidikan Islam). Rineka Cipta.
Egel, E., & Fry, L. W. (2017). Spiritual Leadership as a Model for Islamic Leadership. Public Integrity, 19(1), 77–95.
Estiani, S. W., & Hasanah, E. (2022). Principal’s Leadership Role in Improving Teacher Competence. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(2), 229–241.
Fadillah, D. P., & Istikomah, I. (2021). The Strategy Of School Literacy Culture In Elementary School. Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(3), 503–517.
Fischer, T., Tian, A. W., Lee, A., & Hughes, D. J. (2021). Abusive supervision: A systematic review and fundamental rethink. The Leadership Quarterly, 32(6), 101540.
Fr, A. F., Roesminingsih, E., & Sumbawati, M. S. (2021). The Leadership of School Principal in The Education Era 4.0. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 6(2), 244–250.
Gulo, W. (2008). Strategi Belajar Mengajar (Cover Baru). Jakarta: Grasindo.
Hapsari, S. M., Sugito, S., & Fauziah, P. Y. (2020). Parent’s Involvement in Early Childhood Education during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Jurnal Pendidikan Progresif, 10(2), 298–311.
Ibrahim, T., Akbari, S. I., & Suaidah, S. (2022). Principal’s Behavior in Strengthening Teacher Innovation and Creativity During The Covid-19 Pandemic. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(1), 116–124.
Jami, D. Z., & Muharam, A. (2022). Strategy for Improving the Quality of Islamic Religious Education Study Programs with Total Quality Management. Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 7(2), 267–283.
Kardi, K., Basri, H., Suhartini, A., & Meliani, F. (2023). Challenges of Online Boarding Schools In The Digital Era. At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal, 2(1), 37–51.
Maarif, M. A., Wardi, M., & Amartika, S. (2020). The Implementation Strategy of Religious Culture in Madrasah. Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan, 6(02), 163–174.
Naini, R., Wibowo, M. E., & Mulawarman, M. (2021). Efficacy of Online Group Counseling with Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Approach to Enhance Students’ Humility. Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal, 4(1), 78–90.
Newman, W. H. (1971). Strategy and Management Structure. Academy of Management Proceedings, 1971(1), 7–24.
Nugroho, B. S., Sembiring, R., Bangkara, B. M. A. S. A., Fatmawati, E., & Warastuti, R. D. (2022). The Importance of Creativity Towards Innovation with Digital Applications to Improve The Education of The Indonesian Millennial Generation. Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 5(2), 725–745.
Oliveira, C., Martins, A., Camilleri, M. A., & Jayantilal, S. (2021). Using the Balanced Scorecard for Strategic Communication and Performance Management. In M. Anthony Camilleri (Ed.), Strategic Corporate Communication in the Digital Age (pp. 73–88). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Rostini, D., Syam, R. Z. A., & Achmad, W. (2022). The Significance of Principal Management on Teacher Performance and Quality of Learning. AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14(2), 2513–2520.
Sa’dullah, A., & Hidayatullah, M. F. (2020). Design of Improving The Quality of Human Resources Based on Islamic Schools in Anak Saleh Foundation, Malang City. Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 3(2), 260–272.
Sallis, E. (1996). Total Quality Management in Education (3rd ed.). London: Routledge.
Sj, D. S., Maarif, M. A., & Zamroni, A. (2021). Strategi Pengembangan Program Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Sekolah: The Development Strategy of Islamic Religious Education Learning Programs. Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education, 2(1), 20–40.
Stamatis, D. H. (2018). Total Quality Service: Principles, Practices, and Implementation. New York: Routledge.
Sugiyono. (2008). Metode penelitian pendidikan: (Pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif dan R & D). Alfabeta.
Sutrisno, S., & Nasucha, J. A. (2022). Islamic Religious Education Project-Based Learning Model to Improve Student Creativity. At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal, 1(1), 13–22.
Suzan, R., Rahman, A. O., Humaryanto, H., Syauqy, A., Miftahurrahma, M., & Maria, I. (2021). Mengembangkan Pendidikan Berdayasaing Global Pada Jurusan Kedokteran Melalui Pengembangan Pangkalan Data Jurusan Guna Peningkatan Tatakelola Jurusan Mendukung Pemenuhan Sasaran Strategis Basis Data Alumni Dan Produk Karya Dosen. Electronic Journal Scientific of Environmental Health And Disease, 2(2), 106–111.
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