Pengaruh kepemimpinan dan Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Terhadap Kedisiplinan Guru di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri
Leadership, Work motivation, Work disciplineAbstract
The purpose of conducting research is to test 1) whether leadership influences teacher discipline at MAN 1 Kepahiang. 2) Does work motivation affect teacher discipline at MAN 1 Kepahiang? 3) whether the variables of leadership and motivation affect teachers' work discipline. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this research consisted of 40 teachers at MAN 1 Kepahiang, where the sampling used the total sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires and documentation. This study uses an explanatory research approach, which is a type of research that seeks to explain the influence of variables through hypothesis testing. The independent variable is X1 = leadership, X2 = teacher's work motivation, and the dependent variable is work discipline (Y). Furthermore, the data were analyzed quantitatively using a statistical model in a computer program (SPSS 22.0), with descriptive analysis techniques and multiple linear regression analysis. The conclusions drawn by the researchers are 1) leadership affects the work discipline of teachers at MAN 1 Kepahiang, 2) work motivation has an influence on the work discipline of teachers at MAN 1 Kepahiang, 3) Leadership and work motivation jointly affect the work discipline of teachers at MAN 1 Kepahiang. So to improve teacher work discipline, a leader must apply leadership that can uphold work discipline; besides that, work motivation must also be well developed because good work motivation can increase work discipline, which will increase work results and achieve organizational goals.
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